Bioinformatic Services
nSight Labs provides a range of statistical and bioinformatic data analysis services that help our customers ask bigger questions and arrive at key insights from a large volume of data produced by next-generation sequencing, high-throughput screening, genotyping, and microarray assays in our labs. We support a broad range of Omics-based applications including genomics, metagenomics, pharmacogenomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, and microarray.
Our bioinformatic consultants deliver highly accurate and tailored solutions in the following areas:
- Functional gene annotation
- Sequence alignment
- Variant calling
- Comparative genomics
- Clinicogenomics
- Molecular cell biology
- Molecular dynamic simulations
- Drug & Vaccine discovery
- Phylogenetic analysis
- Genomic database curation
- Big data at-scale genomics analysis
- NLP, and AI for genomic data science
- GPU & FPGA accelerated analysis
- Expertise in developing and supporting commercial, open-source and custom-built tailored bioinformatic platforms
- Bioinformatics research and consulting services
Analysis Pipelines
Next-Generation Sequencing can produce mass volumes of dissimilar data with heterogenous quality. nSight Labs has significant experience in tailoring and customizing bioinformatic pipelines for your specific applications and projects. Speak to one of our experts today.

Biomedical Informatics Services
nSight Labs provides comprehensive biomedical informatics services that help discover, prepare, and analyze a variety of traditional and non-traditional data in order to arrive at insights guiding key clinical decisions that help improve patient outcomes and help save patient’s lives. Our areas of speciality include:
- DICOM medical imaging analysis (de-identification & anonymization, pre-processing, deep learning)
- FHIR R3-R4 Development (.NET FHIR, HAPI FHIR, Azure FHIR Service, GCP Healthcare Service)
- SMART on FHIR, CDS Hooks (Clinical Decision Support) development
- HL7 CCD, RedCAP eCRF, i2b2 tranSMART, and OHDSI OMOP development
- Real World Evidence and HEOR
- Clinical data models and database curation
- Health IoT telemetry analysis
- Population health analytics addressing disparities in care
- Epidemiology and disease tracking / predictive analysis
- Clinical Data warehouses and Data Lake design
- NLP, Rules-based, and ML algorithm development
- IVR and Audio-to-Text analytics
- GraphQL and SparkSQL
- Clinical recommender system development
- Genetic risk assessment automation services